Dual Wielding Pens

I’m actually writing two pieces concurrently at the moment. They are not related, and they don’t overlap thematically except in broad terms and themes; as noted previously, it’s hard for me to write a strictly happy story. The mystery of why remains such, and I’m not going to investigate it too much. So how does writing two things at once help me keep my drive?

What’s your process?

To write an answer to this question, I began in the same way I do before starting most ventures; slumping in my chair, looking at my desk in an unfocused, slightly sightless fashion and breathing slow enough that I could well be hibernating. At least, that’s the physical manifestation of me being deep in thought. Not a compelling image, and certainly not sculpture worthy beyond the real of satire. I’ve been told I look faintly depressed, but this is not the case. The cogs are whirring, and rarely have any dust to shed before they work properly now that I’m doing this writing schtick full time.


This is not a post about revenge. It’s a post about the largest Guild Ball event I’ve been to, and possibly the largest in the UK. As such, this is a long post about Guild Ball – you’re warned! This year marked the third anniversary of the event and I finally overcame my social anxiety and concerns for my ability at the game to go along for the weekend extravaganza of Guild Ball and gaming. jumping in a hire van with five other Surrey Spartans, we began our literal Road to Vengeance after weeks of “planning” and “preparation”.

Writing Life

It has been a long while since I’ve posted, but I’m going to get back in the habit of weekly posts. There will be two this week, since my adventures in middle-north of England for the Vengeance V3 Guild Ball Tournament. I’ve got pretty wrapped up in that game and it’s a lot of fun, but that’s not what I’ve mainly been doing since I quit my day job. No, no, no, friends; I’ve been writing.

Barry’s Birthday Bonanza Snake Draft

Fellow Surrey Spartan and good friend of mine Barry (of Roll Better Podcast fame) turn another year older – only his 27th, I’m assured by ‘sources’ from said podcast – and since he, like many of my gaming club, are keen Guildball players local pundit John Parish (also of Roll Better fame) kindly organised a snake draft as part of his celebration.

Diet Update (Delayed) 7.2.18

I have just reached my first five week milestone for the year. According to My Fitness Pal, if I had eaten and exercised the same way as I did on 3rd January every day for the last five weeks, I would have weighed 206.4lbs, or 14st and 10lbs. This would have been pretty amazing weight loss, a statement which tells you that I did not, in fact, eat and exercise the same way as I did on 3rd Jan every day for the last five weeks, and so do not, in fact, weight 14st and 10lbs. I currently sit at……

Get Writing: 2018

                I have not been the most prolific writer, since finish the first draft of my second book. In fact, I took a month off – mainly. Mostly. I took feedback and decided on edits I’d need to make, wrote a little bit of another project and typed up a short story that was previously only recorded on scraps of dog-eared paper held together by a broken staple and hope. But mostly, I didn’t write.

Getting Emotional.

I am proof reading for a friend, which is fun and educational as she’s writing a Young Adult fiction piece and because she’s a woman, so brings a different outlook. The Young Adult fiction part is something I’m slowly adapting to in my feedback – the awkward boy-girl relationships, the idea of friendship being very important juxtaposed to the protagonist not having any friends/being popular, and several other facets that I would not include in my current manuscript because we have different target audiences. This is, importantly, not to say that young adults cannot enjoy non-YA fiction, nor that adults can’t enjoy young adult fiction. All it means is that the story is directed specifically at one of those groups, and as with any form of entertainment fiction must be tailored for its intended audience.

A Proper Start. No Resolution.

I’m finally, mostly, pretty much, back on the diet wagon.

I’ve been using My Fitness Pal for over a week, almost two, and I’ve lost a total of seven pounds since Christmas. This is a great success, and has happened mainly from reluctant food control more than exercise, as I’ve not had the opportunities to get to the gym that I thought I would.

The Massive Mass Effect Race – Part I

                I have not been a very good writer this weekend, and nor was I very stringent on my diet or exercise regime. What I did do was spend two and a quarter days shut in a house with six friends racing through the Mass Effect trilogy – Andromeda was excluded only because it’s not part of the Shepard story line, and we were aware we may not have the time to do all four games. And so I’m doing a three part blog post about the adventures and exploits of Titan Shepard, Earthborn war hero of the Alliance Infiltrator Corps!